Friday, March 4, 2011

striking siamese

   First i will talk about the Siamese personality. If you think that the Siamese is just an annoying, loud cat then your wrong. The siamese grow close bonds with their owners. They are very affectionate and also social to strangers.Also they are energetic so i suggest getting two siameses or a cat that is simalir in hyperness. Also, this perticular breed is not going keep to his own devices and stay occupied.So if you're not going to spend time with your cat then this is NOT the cat for you.The siamese craves attention.The siamese is also very intellegent.
     Next we will talk about behavior. The siamese is a territorial breed, so it will act like it owns the whole house, if its the new cat or the old cat.The siamese is also very well trained.So you could take it to a proffesional trainer or get a book or look it up on the internet.The siamese is pretty hyper, buts its not going to wreck the whole house unless its bored so get a companion for it to play with, because the siamese does not play alone.
      Third is colors. These are the top for main colors on the siamese's "points"(the colored part of the siamese.)It comes in seal (black), blue,chocolate and lilac (an almost frosty color.)
      Now we are going to discuss the relatives of the siamese. Himalayins, also know as himmies,balines,javenese,the snowshoe and the tonkinese.Here are some look-a-likes that are not related to the siamese.The birman and the ragdoll.

a standard siamese.

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