Friday, March 4, 2011

persian paradise

  In the 17th century the European explorers traded with grains,silk and spices with the Persians. The Persians gave them their cats. The Europeans called them persians after the country they came from. There have also been hyroglyphs that have been dated back to about 1600 BC. So the history of the persian is a little vague. The Europeans brought back the cats and they became very popular. In the 19th century the persians came to america on boats with the explorers and again they became very popular.
a hyroglyph of persians from about 1600 BC.

     The persians personality is very sweet and laid back. It is also very adaptable to new pets or new kids or a move. The Persian sometimes clings to one person.

      The persian needs attention with its coat and face. Regular grooming everyday with keep it's long coat from matting.It's face needs washing because of tears.Since the persian's face is flat so it has breathin problems so you need to keep nose clean.
a tortoiseshell persian.

     Last i will discuss the many colors of the persian. It comes in blue (grey), red, lilac (a frosty color),chocolate (brown), cream (milky colors), black, tortoiseshell (calico without the white), calico, tabby, and bi-color.
a tabby persian

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