Saturday, April 23, 2011

Moth Slayer

   Last year my mom had a garden. She had tons of tomatoes so she she made salsa, soup broth, canned and dehydrated. Well anyways she stored the bags of dried tomatoes in the pantry. Somehow a moth got in one of the bags.
   One day my mom was getting some tomatoes and WORMS! Maggots, moth maggots to be exact. Yep that one moth must have been pregnant or something and then the babies bred and so on. But they weren't just in the tomatoes... They were in the dried squash, dried pumpkins, even the chocolate had worms in side (don't ask my mom about THAT story).
   So she bought a ton of plastic containers to put the maggot-free bags in. lets say those little demons ate about half of our dried food. Now she has a reason to hate moths. She got some peppermint oil and clove oil and put it on cotton balls because mothballs are DANGEROUS.

     Whenever she sees a moth she kills it. One day she had spotted one, she yelled MOTH SLAYER! and killed it. This is our kind of moths.
Now whenever WE see a moth we call the mighty moth slayer, and she is on the case. And guess what ? No fly swatter. Her fly swatter is her hands. Now were moth slayers in training.

If you are interested in becoming a moth slayer call 80-kill-moth. JUST KIDDING!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.....
    I already have moth slayers in my house. They chase the moth, bounce on it, bat it around and carry it in their mouths until it quits flying and is dead. Then, because it's "no FUN" anymore, they drop it and walk away. Leaving it to lay there until one of the little dogs comes by and eats it.
