Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Pets and Warriors

   OK, this all started when i made a facebook account 2 years ago. No it doesn't start their, one time i was watching my aunt was playing farmville on facebook, so i really wanted to play ,too. So i asked mom for an account, but she said i could play on her account instead. After a while she wanted to play also, so she said i could make an account.
   Now back to the first part. OK so now i have a facebook account. But after a while i got kinda bored with it so i looked for other games.Wellll.... i found this one game called Happy Pets. Its where you can take care of cats and dogs and a whole bunch of other animals. You can breed, decorate and feed your pets.
    Well i only take care of cats on the games because im, well, a fanatic. Hence my blog title. Well about 6 months ago i started reading a book called Warriors. It is a series about these cats from 4 clans and there life. There is love, death, war and comedy all in one cool cat book.

   So how do both of these things go together? Well i have this thing where i ORGANIZE. Everything has a system. Like on happy pets, boys and girl kittens are in separate rooms and same for the adults. And I have the elders in separate rooms . Elders are the ones i don't use to breed with anymore and retire. All of my cats have warrior names though, that's how all this ties together. Here are some examples of  warrior names: brambleclaw, ferncloud or fireheart. Stuff like that.
       I am such a weirdo....

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