Saturday, March 5, 2011

Natural Remedies for Hairballs

Don't you hate it when you hear a strange noise in the night, and you realize its your cat having a hairball? We all do- especially the cleaning up part of the job. So i did a little research on hairballs for my blog.
                                             What causes hairballs?
When your cat is being normal and grooming its self, the pouches in her tongue catch dead or loose hairs. The hair passes through her digestive track no problem. Its when it gets to the stomach that's when some hairs stay behind, and they eventually add up. When the hair irritates the stomach lining, it causes the cat to throw up. When the hair is traveling up, it goes through the esophagus. That is why its in a tubular shape instead of a ball. The technical term for hairball is trichobezoars. 
Here are some NATURAL cures for hairballs. To stop the hairballs you should get something to coat the stomach so it doesn't get irritated and it can pass through. Put some coconut oil or olive on your cat's paws so she will lick her paws and they coat the stomach (also good for shiny and soft fur). You could also use slippery elm bark on their paws so they will lick it up and same with the olive/coconut oil. Also remember to groom your cat often so it doesnt get as much hairs in her stomach. Hope this is helpful.

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