Saturday, March 5, 2011


                                              How to Capsule Kelp
Every day me and my mom take 4 kelp pills. Since i capsuled them my self they weren't filled all the way so we take 4 instead of 2. We got the capsules from . they came in a 500 capsule pack for $10. Then we ordered the kelp powder from . So while i watched a movie i capsuled. To capsule is really easy. Just take the capsule and scoop it in the kelp powder and put the other side on and your ready to go.
                                                   Benefits of Kelp
Here are some of the benefits of kelp. They help with weight loss. I lost 5 lbs in a few weeks without trying! It helps with hair growth and makes your hair shiny. It also helps with nail growth and peeling and chipping. And it helps with your skin, making it less dry (i get very dry hands in the winter). Helps your thyroid function better because kelp is high in iodine and other minerals. Iodine is also good for the heart and sinuses, and doubles as a multi-vitamin.

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