Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Humble Havana Browns

The Havana Browns may have a glossy brown coat. But when they are kittens, they have ghostly tabby marking. It take about 2 yrs. for their coat to become fully brown. They also have only one eye color- green. It really compliments their coat color. The Havana Brown has a wedge shaped head, a slender body and long legs- am I ringing a bell? Because the Havana brown's has Siamese for part of their breed ancestry.
     The Havana Browns don't need much coat care, even in shedding season. They only have one coat, so they don't shed. You can just pet them to groom them.
     The Havana Browns are shy but affectionate. They are best in single owner homes, but also make wonderful family cats. They also get along with dogs and other cats- and kids. They are lively but not as hyper as the Siamese. They are very smart cats.

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