Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Pets and Warriors

   OK, this all started when i made a facebook account 2 years ago. No it doesn't start their, one time i was watching my aunt was playing farmville on facebook, so i really wanted to play ,too. So i asked mom for an account, but she said i could play on her account instead. After a while she wanted to play also, so she said i could make an account.
   Now back to the first part. OK so now i have a facebook account. But after a while i got kinda bored with it so i looked for other games.Wellll.... i found this one game called Happy Pets. Its where you can take care of cats and dogs and a whole bunch of other animals. You can breed, decorate and feed your pets.
    Well i only take care of cats on the games because im, well, a fanatic. Hence my blog title. Well about 6 months ago i started reading a book called Warriors. It is a series about these cats from 4 clans and there life. There is love, death, war and comedy all in one cool cat book.

   So how do both of these things go together? Well i have this thing where i ORGANIZE. Everything has a system. Like on happy pets, boys and girl kittens are in separate rooms and same for the adults. And I have the elders in separate rooms . Elders are the ones i don't use to breed with anymore and retire. All of my cats have warrior names though, that's how all this ties together. Here are some examples of  warrior names: brambleclaw, ferncloud or fireheart. Stuff like that.
       I am such a weirdo....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Moth Slayer

   Last year my mom had a garden. She had tons of tomatoes so she she made salsa, soup broth, canned and dehydrated. Well anyways she stored the bags of dried tomatoes in the pantry. Somehow a moth got in one of the bags.
   One day my mom was getting some tomatoes and WORMS! Maggots, moth maggots to be exact. Yep that one moth must have been pregnant or something and then the babies bred and so on. But they weren't just in the tomatoes... They were in the dried squash, dried pumpkins, even the chocolate had worms in side (don't ask my mom about THAT story).
   So she bought a ton of plastic containers to put the maggot-free bags in. lets say those little demons ate about half of our dried food. Now she has a reason to hate moths. She got some peppermint oil and clove oil and put it on cotton balls because mothballs are DANGEROUS.

     Whenever she sees a moth she kills it. One day she had spotted one, she yelled MOTH SLAYER! and killed it. This is our kind of moths.
Now whenever WE see a moth we call the mighty moth slayer, and she is on the case. And guess what ? No fly swatter. Her fly swatter is her hands. Now were moth slayers in training.

If you are interested in becoming a moth slayer call 80-kill-moth. JUST KIDDING!

under construction

    Ok, everyone knows this blog is about natural cats, but I'm tearing it APART. I think I will turn it into a comedy blog. Like life stories and stuff like that. I practically laugh out loud when I'm THINKING! So i think i will still add stuff about cats here and their but I'm changing the look and the title of this blog. The url will still be the same though that way it doesnt get TOO confusing. Anyways... enjoy!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dry Shampoo

   OK, so we all know that cats do not like baths, well some cats like the Turkish Van do- but that's not the point, so how can we keep our cat clean? Dry shampoo may be the answer. But we don't want all those chemicals in the dry shampoo you get from the store, so lets make our own, shall we?

    First, the ingredients. you will need the following:
  1/3 cup bran
  1/3 cup cornmeal
  1/3 cup rolled oats
   1. mix grains in small bowl until combined.
   2. rub combination in fur well. Brush out along with all the dirt, oil and dander.
   Also works well for dogs that hate water.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Special Sphynx

    Even though you may think that a Sphynx looks like an alien, they have feelings, too! They are more intelligent than any alien you will meet, and make close bonds with their owners. They also like having visitors, they will do tricks or just leave- to get a fetch toy. if your visitor does not like cats, you may have to lock up your Sphynx, like i said they love visitors... The Sphynx is a kitten-at-heart and energetic, and they live of of attention so you may want to get another energetic company cat.

    The Sphynx is not an all pink cat. They actually come in many colors for their skin. Just like non-hairless cats, if you shave them they will have the same pattern as their coat on their skin. Although the colors on the Sphynx's skin are going to much paler, you can still see it. Here are the colors of the Sphynx: red, cream, lilac, white, black, cinnamon, fawn, lavender, tortie, calico, bi-color, tabby and of course, solid.

    The Sphynx needs some special care. Since they have no fur, they need to be indoor cats only. So it would be a good idea to get them spayed/ neutered. they also get dirty pretty easy, so baths should be a regular thing. When you are filling your bathtub, do not let your sphynx in the room                                      because they could fall in and burn themselves. When bathing your Sphynx, never use human soaps or shampoos, because it can irritate their skin. One of the perks of having a bald cat is that they hardly ever get fleas or ticks. If they do you can treat the problem quickly. In the winter you will want keep them warm, because they don't grow extra fur to keep them warm.