Monday, March 7, 2011

Raw Scambled "Eggs"

 OK, since the title of my blog is RAWesome kitties I figured Id better get something raw on here. SO, I was looking in some of my moms raw food cookbooks and found this book. Its called 'Alive in Five' by Angela Elliot. I came across this recipe in here for raw scrambled eggs. THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU TO EAT ACTUAL RAW EGGS. Here is the recipe:
3 ripe avocados
black pepper
Take a fork and smash the peeled and de-pitted avocado lightly. Sprinkle some salt and black pepper to taste and eat. And this is my reaction to the recipe: "wow, that's easy to do." Hope you guys have an easy time making this, which would be impossible to mess up.
Here's how to get the pit out of the avocado, very easy.

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